@DATABASE "MMS-MWB-2" @NODE "MAIN" "MAIN" @NEXT "Description" @TOC "MAIN" Mark's MagicWB Icons V2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @{" Description " LINK "Description"} @{" Requirements " LINK "Requirements"} @{" What's in this archive " LINK "Contents"} @{" How they were made " LINK "Construction"} @{" History " LINK "History"} @{" Copyright stuff " LINK "Copyright"} @{" People to Thank " LINK "Thanks"} @{" Contacting the author " LINK "Author"} @{" The Future?? " LINK "Future"} @{" ** Important ** " LINK "Important"} Release Date: 28th April 1995 @ENDNODE @NODE "Description" "Description..." @NEXT "Requirements" @PREV "MAIN" @TOC "MAIN" Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Put quite simply this is yet another collection of MagicWB icons for use with Martin Huttenloher's **FANTASTIC** MagicWB. ~~~~~~~~~ I created these icons mainly for myself because I didn't have any MWB icons to replace some of the old 4-colour Commodore icons I've had to put up with which I find in archives I get from the Internet. But I decided to release them for all MWB users to say if they liked them or not... you be the judge and send me your verdict via e-mail. With most of the icons in this release I've decided to use a brown/grey background pattern which I feel looks really good in comparison to some of the grey-only backgrounds. I have spent many a late night trying to create new icons and get ideas for programs which haven't already got MWB icons, and I have put a lot of time into getting them just right (in other words, good enough that they don't look crap, and they would be something I use on my own MWB). @ENDNODE @NODE "Requirements" "System Requirements..." @NEXT "Contents" @PREV "Description" @TOC "MAIN" Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to use the icons in this collection you will need: An AMIGA :) A properly installed copy of Martin Huttenloher's MagicWB. "SwapIcon" or "Update Icon" or a similar program which will swap just the images of the new icons to replace the old Commodore icons. Internet access so you can send me e-mail saying how much you love my icons or any ideas for new icons! ;) NOTE: These icons should really be used with the REGISTERED version 2.0 ~~~~ of MagicWB because it contains the "Demon" which recolours the icons if they are created incorrectly... hopefully they should appear normal but I won't be re-mapping the colours if they don't look normal on your "Unregistered" MagicWB! You'll just have to register instead :) @ENDNODE @NODE "Contents" "Contents of this archive..." @NEXT "Construction" @PREV "Requirements" @TOC "MAIN" Archive Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you have unpacked the archive you will find the following drawers (which are pretty well self explanatory! :) @{" " LINK "Games"} Games @{" " LINK "Guides"} Guides @{" " LINK "ImageDrawers"} ImageDrawers @{" " LINK "Prefs"} Prefs & Presets @{" " LINK "Utilities"} Utilities @ENDNODE @NODE "Games" "Games drawer..." @NEXT "Guides" @PREV "Contents" @TOC "MAIN" Games ~~~~~ @{"DiamondCaves1" LINK "Aminet"} - Specifically made for this great (but pretty hard) Boulderdash clone (Does anyone who's played this know how to pass the 2nd level??? please @{"e-mail" LINK "Author"} me if you know how to do it! :) DiamondCaves2 - Although I made this for the same game, it could also be used for any adventure-style game (eg. Eye of the Beholder, etc) or another Boulderdash clone * @{"DieserZug" LINK "Aminet"} - Another update from my original archive release onto the Aminet (see @{"History" LINK "History"}) Klondike1 - Made for @{"Deluxe Klondike AGA" LINK "Aminet"} but I suppose it could be used for any card game at all! Klondike2 - This is probably more related to "Deluxe Klondike AGA" as it displays the creators name (ie. REKO) @{"Knights" LINK "Aminet"} - I think this game is really great, but it needed a MWB icon for it so here it is. Check out this 2 player game on the @{"Aminet" LINK "Aminet"} * M.Invaders - A slight icon update for @{"Motorola Invaders" LINK "Aminet"} from my 1st MWB icon release (the same alterations have been made to the next icon so read it!) * M.Resource - Another slight update from an icon in my 1st release but has really only changed in size (ie. 2k to 1k) but other than that, no changed apart from the removal of the old blue edge around the icon. @{"Piper" LINK "Aminet"} - Some pipes for the game "Piper" which is only a WB game but I like it very much (also on the Aminet in a package with some other WB games) @ENDNODE @NODE "Guides" "Guides drawer..." @NEXT "ImageDrawers" @PREV "Games" @TOC "MAIN" Guides ~~~~~~ AmigaReport - A smaller icon than the one supplied by its creator AREXX - This was actually designed for an AREXX programming tool, but since it was called "AREXX Guide" I thought "Hey who'll know!?" Game - A default AmigaGuide icon for any game GrapeVine - Designed specifically for the IRC (Internet Relay Chat) program "Grapevine" (funnily enough :) Klondike - A default AmigaGuide icon for "Deluxe Klondike AGA" MagicWB - A replacement AmigaGuide icon for any MagicWB guides created by Martin Huttenloher or anyone else Term - A "general" replacement AmigaGuide icon for not only "Term" but any comms program Tool1 - A default AmigaGuide icon for any old tool you choose Tool2 - An alternative to the afore mentioned AmigaGuide icon Utility - Another "general" replacement AmigaGuide icon for any old utility you want VirusChecker- An AmigaGuide icon specifically made for "VirusChecker" but can be used as a "general" virus checker replacement @ENDNODE @NODE "ImageDrawers" "Image drawers..." @NEXT "Prefs" @PREV "Guides" @TOC "MAIN" ImageDrawers ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shoot'emUP1 - Yer basic pistol (with blue handle) for any old game which involves any sort of violence! :) Shoot'emUP2 - Same again (but with brown handle - my preference) Adventure - T.S.R. is the creator of many Dungeons & Dragons games so I thought this was appropriate (any other ideas? then e-mail me!) CanDo - Just a quick one I added at the last minute because I didn't have the time/skill to draw a hand! @ENDNODE @NODE "Prefs" "Prefs & Presets drawer..." @NEXT "Utilities" @PREV "ImageDrawers" @TOC "MAIN" Prefs & Presets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prefs ~~~~~ Klondike1 - Although the Deluxe Klondike AGA preferences are just changed using a text editor, I felt it necessary to create a proper MagicWB "Prefs" icon for it Klondike2 - Another alternative to the above icon, and if you've checked out the "Games" icons I made for Klondike then you'll have noticed there is a matching pair for the prefs and game icon OnlineMeter - I made this up very quickly once I had the original program icon made, and it still looks good! Presets ~~~~~~~ As in Roman Patzner's "RomIcons" archives, I too have decided to release my own mouse pointer presets. The "Busy" pointer is similar to the old WB1.3 "zzz clouds" ... check it out (Note: it should be a Hi-Res pointer as it looks *crap* in Lo-Res mode.) @ENDNODE @NODE "Utilities" "Utilities drawer..." @NEXT "Aminet" @PREV "Prefs" @TOC "MAIN" Utilities ~~~~~~~~~ * AII - Archive Intuition Interface (AII) is another updated replacement icon from my original icon release (again no actual change apart from decreased KByte size) @{"FreeSpace" LINK "Aminet"} - Shows you how much space is left on yer disks MagicMem - Specifically for DKB Ram Expansion users who use this program MultiSOX1 - An icon for the GUI "MultiSOX" which allows you to run the sound converter "Sox" from menus (I originally made 4 icons for this program 'coz I couldn't make up my mind which I liked best but here are the 2 best) MultiSOX2 - Icon 2 of 2 (for you to decide which you like better!) @{"Noisome" LINK "Aminet"} - An update from the original icon I made and released in my first icon package (see @{"History" LINK "History"}) but this one is much better! @{"OnlineMeter" LINK "Aminet"} - I like this one a lot! Mainly 'coz it was simple and fast to create (and pretty too :) * RCheck - This is another replacement icon, originally from my 1st icon package for "ReminderCheck" which is a calendar reminder type package (Sorry if this icon offends anyone! see History) * RecoverCED - An update replacement icon from my original MagicWB icon package (no change except in physical and Kbyte size - see @{"History" LINK "History"}) Relokick1 - For those of you who can't work out what the little screen shows on this icon, it's supposed to show the WB3.0 boot screen changing to the old WB1.3 boot screen! Relokick2 - This was actually the 1st icon I made for Relokick but I renamed it #2 for the simple reason that I think that "Relokick1" is much better! * ShowFont - An update replacement icon from my original MagicWB icon package (no change except in physical and Kbyte size - see @{"History" LINK "History"}) StickIt - A slightly modified icon from Roman Patzner (Hi Roman!;) I use this all the time when I'm on the Internet & I write little "Post-It" notes all over my screen TTL - This is for a small program which identifies and gives a a description of all the TTL chip numbers for ya... ViewTek1 - An icon which can really be used for any old picture viewer ya want but I just used it for Viewtek to replace its old 4-colour icon ViewTek2 - This icon is really more tended to be like the original Viewtek 4-colour icon, but again, it is not limited to just Viewtek! * - Indicates icons that have been updated from the original V1.0 of my MagicWB icon collection. @ENDNODE @NODE "Aminet" "Aminet paths..." @NEXT "Construction" @PREV "Utilities" @TOC "MAIN" Aminet Directories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I just thought I'd put the Aminet paths for some of the games (and a few of the utilities) that I've made icons for and regularly use just in case you wanted to find any of them! (Aren't I nice? :) Filename Location on Aminet ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DiamondCaves game/misc/DiamondCaves13.lha DieserZug game/wb/dZug13.lha Deluxe Klondike AGA game/think/KlondikeIII_1.lha game/think/KlondikeIII_2.lha game/think/KlondikeIII_3.lha game/think/KlondikeIII_4.lha Knights game/2play/Knights242.lha Motorola Invaders game/shoot/motorinv.dms game/shoot/motorin2.dms Piper game/wb/wb2gamesV2.2.lha FreeSpace util/wb/FreeSpace.lha Noisome mus/misc/Noisome.lha OnlineMeter comm/misc/Online1.3a.lha @ENDNODE @NODE "Construction" "Icon construction..." @NEXT "History" @PREV "Contents" @TOC "MAIN" How they were made ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I think this is quite interesting to most people but I would also like to know how anybody else creates their MWB icons and the software used, or if there is an easier way to create 'em. 1. I get an idea for an icon. (good place to start ;) 2. Search for other peoples MWB icons looking for similar icons or parts I can use as part of my icon. 3. Load "Personal Paint 4" and grab a picture of my Workbench with all the other MWB icons on it. 4. Then I load the default MWB background template brushes I have grabbed and paste a couple of them around the picture. 5. Now I cut and paste parts of icons from the background picture and modify and resize them until I feel comfortable with them. 6. The I paste the parts onto the MWB template backgrounds and save an individual "Normal" brush and a "Selected" brush for the two parts of each icon. 7. Once they're saved, I switch back to Workbench and load "Iconian" and load the "Normal" and "Selected" brushes and paste them down. 8. Then I simply test and save the completed icon! Easy as pie :) @ENDNODE @NODE "History" "History..." @NEXT "Copyright" @PREV "Construction" @TOC "MAIN" History ~~~~~~~ Version 2.0 28th Apr 1995 - Brand new icons with a few "resized" ones from version 1.0 and some default AmigaGuide icons from Roman Patzner's template (in RomIcons8). Version 1.0 13th Mar 1995 - First official public release includes icons, a couple of background pictures some marble-background Toolmanager dock animbrushes and a pic of my MWB. Version 0.9 18th Dec 1994 - Original minor release limited to only a couple of local BBS's. @ENDNODE @NODE "Copyright" "Copyrights..." @NEXT "Thanks" @PREV "History" @TOC "MAIN" Copyright stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MagicWB is Copyright of Martin Huttenloher. (Register for this NOW!) ToolManager is Copyright of Stefan Becker. Personal Paint 4 is Copyright of Cloanto. Iconian 1.98 is Copyright of Chad Randall. AGWriter is Copyright of David McPaul The icons stored in this archive are Copyright 1995 by Mark Sorensen. You may modify the icons for personal or public use on the condition you acknowledge my name in your credits AND you MUST send me a copy! or at least @{"e-mail" LINK "Author"} that they are available. You may not use the icons, or the imagery of them, unchanged or not, on any other computer besides the Amiga. These icons may be freely distributed via BBSs, InterNet, software libraries such as Fred Fish's and Aminet CD-ROM, and magazines as long as the archive is not modified in any way and I'm acknowledged. I will NOT be held responsible for any damage caused by using the icons contained within this archive. You, the user, take full responsibility for using these icons. @ENDNODE @NODE "Thanks" "Thanks to the following..." @NEXT "Important" @PREV "Copyright" @TOC "MAIN" People to thank ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Martin Huttenloher for creating MagicWB. Roman Patzner for continually making more of his famous MWB icons. Stefan Becker for creating ToolManager. David McPaul for creating AGWriter (which I used to create this Guide). Jeremiah S. Junken for being the 1st to send me e-mail saying he liked my icons! Thanks ... see there is at least one person who likes them! (And look out for his Internet based MWB icons/docks soon too.) @ENDNODE @NODE "Important" "** IMPORTANT **" @NEXT "Author" @PREV "Thanks" @TOC "MAIN" IMPORTANT!! ~~~~~~~~~~~ These icons are Giftware. If you like these icons and use them on your WB, consider sending some gift to the author. I suggest you send me any of the following items: a copy of a program or MagicWB icons that you've created (I love to receive software and especially other MagicWB icons!) Star Trek videos or collectibles. a donation of $anything. a Commodore 1960 monitor :) (not a monitor from 1960!) a CD-ROM or any other spare hardware you don't need anymore ;) @{"e-mail" LINK "Author"} saying how much you liked them. IDEAS for new MWB icons. Even if you feel the icons are not worth any donation, I'd still love to hear from you because its good to know who (and how many) are using them! I want to hear what you think of them - whether they're good, bad or totally suck! (not too many that say they suck - thanks!). *** If you are currently using any program that doesn't have a MagicWB icon, leave me a message (and/or copy of the program) and I will attempt to create an icon for it (and even mention you in my next release!) @ENDNODE @NODE "Author" "How to send me E-Mail..." @NEXT "Future" @PREV "Important" @TOC "MAIN" Contacting the author ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you love or hate my icons you can now e-mail me on the Internet at: marksor@netspace.net.au Or if you don't have Internet access (what's stopping you from getting it?) but you live in Australia then you can try leaving me a message at one of the following BBS's: Amiga Valley (+61-3) 458 4729 Andy's Attic (+61-3) 748 0784 SNAIL MAIL: ~~~~~~~~~~ Mark Sorensen 28 Juniper road Wantirna, Victoria AUSTRALIA 3152. @ENDNODE @NODE "Future" "Look into my Crystal ball..." @PREV "Author" @TOC "MAIN" The Future of Mark's MagicWB Icons?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The future of Mark's MagicWB icon collections are totally dependant on the following factors (in order of importance): 1. E-mail from people saying how much they love my icons. ;) ~~~~ 2. Ideas for creating icons for new/old programs. (This is probably the hardest!) 3. Time (at the moment I have plenty of this as I'm looking for employment as a computer technician with no experience :( 4. The future of MagicWB (whether it becomes 16 colour or stays 8 colour). Long live the Amiga and MagicWB! ;-) _ _ // \X/ Amiga kicks all IBMs! @ENDNODE